Analyzers, in-situ sensorsand samplers

Liquid analysis– Utilities


Product highlights

No contamination of feed water High quality of boiler feedwater is a key factor to avoid corrosion or build-up of deposits in boilers or pipes. They might lead to expensive repairs or even complete unit replacement. Conductivity, pH and oxygen sensors, specially designed for trace measurement, ensure that even minute impurities in the demineralized feed water are detected. Plant operators can react fast and take necessary measures. Safe cooling water cycles Cooling water cycles must run stably and must not interfere with the product. Contaminated cooling medium can cause corrosion or build-up of deposits and thus leakage in the cooling water cycle that leads to mixing of product and cooling medium. Conductivity, pH, chlorine and SAC sensors ensure that contamination is detected before problems can occur. Cooling water must be of such quality that no micro organisms can settle in the system. They form a biofilm on the pipes that impedes the heat transfer and thus limits the cooling performance. Reliable chlorine measurement enables precise chlorine dosing leading to bacteria-free water.

Liquiline CM44 Flexible transmitter for 12 different parameters and up to eight sensors. Fast commissioning thanks to plug and play. Easy operation due to intuitive menu guidance. Seamless integration into process control systems via digital fieldbuses. Comfortable remote access via any web browser. Memosens CLS15E Digital contacting conductivity sensor with Memosens technology for pure and ultra pure water. Reliable measurement of lowest conductivities for safe determination of corrosion, impurities and conditioning of the water. Low maintenance thanks to polished measuring surfaces. Memosens CPS16E Combined pH/ORP sensor with Memosens technology. Provides simultaneous pH and ORP measurement for better process control. Delivers information on the acid load and oxidizing effect of the water in filtration systems, for example. Memosens COS22E Digital amperometric oxygen sensor with Memosens technology for trace measurement. Optional gold cathode for compensation of cross-sensitivities. Reliable measured values for safe detection of possible pipe corrosion. Long-term stable with international approvals for hazardous areas. Liquiline System CA80 Analyzers for precise online measurement. Accurate silica values for the monitoring ion exchanger quality during feed water preparation. Reliable iron values for safe detection of potential corrosion of the heat exchanger. Low maintenance thanks to automatic calibration and cleaning. Low reagent consumption. Connection of up to four Memosens sensors to Liquiline System CA80. Memosens CCS51D Digital sensor with Memosens technology for measurement of free chlorine in drinking water, pool water or process water. Reliable values even with fluctuating flow rates and conductitivities. Long maintenance and calibration intervals thanks to membrane-covered sensor head.

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