Competences - Natural Gas


Competences in Gas

Ensure plant safety


Ensure plant safety Minimize process risks with best-fit instrumentation & solutions for natural gas & LNG

H 2 O, H 2 S, CO 2 , and O 2 measurements for pipeline integrity

Measurement of H 2 O, H 2 S, CO 2 , and O 2 in natural gas pipelines at production and gathering sites, custody transfer points, compression stations, storage facilities, and in distribution systems is critically important to protect pipelines from corrosion and meet gas quality specifications. TDLAS and Quenched Fluorescence (QF) analyzers have proven to be highly effective for con tinuous on-line monitoring of these contaminants in natural gas pipelines. • High-resolution lasers provide selec tive and specific measurement of H 2 O, H 2 S, CO 2 in natural gas streams • No field calibration needed • Highly accurate measurement with National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - traceable factory calibration • Accurate O 2 measurements even when H 2 S is present, using Quenched Fluorescence technology

Chemical injection plays a vital role in the safe and efficient production and transport of natural gas. Corrosion inhibi tors are injected into pipelines to maintain and extend the lifetime of gas pipelines, while kinetic hydrate inhibitors (KHIs) and methanol are used to prevent the formation of crystalline ice-like structures (Hydrates) that can plug pipe lines and disrupt gas flow. The effectiveness of these inhibi tors depends on injecting the right amount of chemicals. Chemical injection skids for gas pipelines

• Exactly measure injection rates in challenging conditions: accurate 2-wire technology Proline Promass A Coriolis mass flowmeters have high stability at very low flow rates, with a space-saving small footprint • Coriolis sensor is resistant to internal clogging thanks to its self-draining measuring tube • Prevent over or under pressurization to ensure effec tive injection with accurate, quick-response pressure measurement • Reliable guided radar level measurement with multi echo tracking and Heartbeat Technology

Functional safety by design - instruments you can rely on

Process control is only as good as the devices used. Our portfolio of instrumen tation and safety-related hardware & software is stringently designed to meet the needs of safe and reliable operation. Endress+Hauser has one of the most extensive SIL portfolios of IEC 61508-certified instruments for hazardous areas and safety applications created according to safety by design standards. • Proven experience of more than 10 million devices installed in safety-related applications • Over 65 years of experience in safety critical applications • 18+ years of IEC 61508 functional safety standards for quality, safety and reliability applied in applications

20% cost per injection point can be saved by accurate measurement of chemicals by Coriolis technology

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