Product highlights 2023
Highlights 2023
Memosens 2.0 – simple, reliable and connected
Application Memosens technology is already in use in all industries. With Memosens 2.0, a new chapter of the prov en Memosens concept has begun. Memosens 2.0 is built on the future-proof evolution of Memosens technology while retaining all renowned and proven benefits. As prepara tion for future requirements in digitalization and intelligent sensor systems, further calibration and process data is now being stored in the sensor. Of course, the new Memosens generation is fully backward compatible. This means that users of Memosens technology do not have to replace their existing measuring lines with new ones. New Memosens sensors work in the usual manner without loss, even with existing transmitters. This protects past investments. Advantages • Reliable signal transmission: no moisture or EMC problems thanks to inductive, digital signal transmission • Intelligent safety: active indication of a dropout between the sensor and transmitter • Field calibration no longer necessary – easy, safe cali bration in the laboratory possible thanks to storage of relevant data in the sensor head • Cross-parameter plug and play thanks to precalibrated sensors • IIoT-ready: trend detection as future-proof basis for predictive maintenance and IIoT services At a glance • Digitalization of the measured values directly in the sensor head for contactless digital signal transmis sion and the diagnostics and storage of all sensor relevant data directly in the sensor • Storage of calibration and process data in the sensor: ready for Industry 4.0 • For the following measuring parameters: pH/redox, conductivity (inductive and conductive), dissolved oxygen amperometric and optical, turbidity, disinfec tion (chlorine, chlorine dioxide, bromine, ozone), ultrasonic sludge level, ion-sensitive sensors for am monium and nitrate, UV sensors for nitrate and SAC
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