Tank and Terminal Management


Tank and Terminal Management


ERP (business system)

Operational management

Tank Gauging (Tankvision)


Blending system

Ship & pipeline transfer system

Truck loading

Rail car loading


Terminal management and automation More than ever before, the importance of terminal automation is increasing. This is due to changes in markets, competition, the regulatory and social environment. Even with the knowledge of these demands, many smaller petroleum product terminals sustain their relatively low level of automation and many of the larger operations FRQWLQXH VX̟ HULQJ EHFDXVH RI GLVFRQQHFWHG DQG IUDJPHQWHG systems. With the increase of mergers, acquisitions and site H[SDQVLRQV PDQ\ WHUPLQDO RZQHU RSHUDWRUV ÀQG WKHPVHOYHV ZLWK GL̟ HUHQW V\VWHPV RU DW EHVW GL̟ HUHQW YHUVLRQV RI WKH VDPH V\VWHPV WR EH KDQGOHG DFURVV WKHLU VLWHV 7KLV constitutes a large task to coordinate activities, collect the required information, avoid incidents, educate operators and support the aging systems architecture. All in all, this is very challenging.

When selecting your potential path for the future, consider how and what direction you should take. Your partner should be well-established in the world of inventory handling and have strong links to multiple system integration. Some questions to consider: ‡ Can or do I want to maintain the site with my team? ‡ How do I balance safety with operational uptime? These questions and many others should be considered to assist you in making educated decisions on the best way to handle the requirements of your constantly evolving facility. ‡ Do I want to upgrade totally or in steps? ‡ Do I want full or partial automation? ‡ Who needs what data and in what form?

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