Tank and Terminal Management
Tank and Terminal Management
7DQNYLVLRQ 7DQN 6FDQQHU Tankvision Tank Scanner is ideally suited for small tank farms with few tanks, but can also be applied in larger distributed systems. It is fully based on web server WHFKQRORJ\ R̟ HULQJ 2SHQ FRQQHFWLYLW\ EDVHG RQ /$1 (WKHUQHW DQG ;0/ 3& RSHUDWLQJ V\VWHP :LQGRZV /LQX[ LQGHSHQGHQF\ 7RWDO ZHESDJH EDVHG XVHU LQWHUIDFH +70/ ² DQ\ EURZVHU ,QWHUQHW ([SORUHU 1HWVFDSH 2SHUD FDQ DFFHVV data 1R VR͉ ZDUH WR EH LQVWDOOHG No limitation to PCs on the network Local & remote connectivity is possible – if company SROLF\ DQG ÀUHZDOO SHUPLW WKLV $OO RI WKH FRQÀJXUDWLRQ LV GRQH YLD ZHE SDJHV Simultaneous multiple users permitted Tankvision Tank Scanner connects multiple tank gauges via RQH ÀHOG ORRS ZKLFK W\SLFDOO\ FRPSULVHV WR WDQNV 6HYHUDO ÀHOG SURWRFROV DUH VXSSRUWHG Serial Modbus 6DNXUD 9 Whessoematic 550
Tank Scanner is equipped with a full set of tank inventory calculations. The calculations are based on various international standards such as API, ASTM, IP, OIML and many others. Full conversion is available from level and YROXPH H J 729 *29 169 HWF WKURXJK WR ZHLJKW DQG mass with many special corrections such as sediment and ZDWHU 6 : WKHUPDO WDQN VKHOO H[SDQVLRQ &76K ÁRDWLQJ roof, etc. In addition, Tank Scanner is suitable and approved for Weights & Measures applications by NMi and PTB. Tank Scanner can be used as a stand-alone system for small tank farms and/or integrated into a larger systems via Tankvision Professional and/or Tankvision Data Concentrator. Tankvision Data Concentrator collects the data of several Tank Scanners, totalizes tank data of several or all tanks and acts as a single point of access to the tanks.
SAAB TRL/2* Enraf BPM ||* +$57 LQ SUHSDUDWLRQ * via Field Link
Tankvision client workstations
Data Concentrator Headquarters
Tank Scanner
Loop/Location 3
1…15 tanks
Loop/Location 1
Loop/Location 2
Tankvision Tank Scanner: &RQQHFWV WDQNV YLD RQH ÀHOG ORRS Up to 90 tanks per network Full set of tank inventory calculations
Approved for Weights & Measures (PTB+NMI) Alarming, reporting & archiving direct from the box
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