Temperature measurement
Compact thermometers
Simple, fast and economical! Cost efficiency and optimal use of space indicate modern process measuring technology. Particularly OEM applica tions require fast delivery times, reliable operation as well as simple assembly and calibration of the measurement technology used. The compact thermometers are easily commissioned, measure reliably, and when required convert into standard signals and alert at alarm limit violation.
Benefits at a glance • Small, robust design made entirely of stain less steel • Extremely short response times • Vibration-resistant, thin-film Pt100 sensors • Highly accurate even with short insertion lengths • Simplest assembly as well as on-site and PC parameter set-up • Long-term stable electronics • Versatile process adapters, flexible sensor lengths • Compression fittings, imperial and metric threads guarantee compatibility worldwide • Hygienic process adapters and thermo wells satisfy EHEDG, 3-A, FDA, ASME BPE requirements
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