Level measurement

Instrument selection within the measuring principle


Micropilot NMR81 80GHz

Micropilot NMR84 6GHz

Vacuum to +16bar/vacuum to +232psi –40 to +200°C/–40 to +392°F ±0.5mm/0.02"

Vacuum to +25bar/vacuum to +362psi –40 to +150°C/–40 to +302°F ±0.5mm/0.02"


316L, PTFE

316L, PTFE

70m/230ft Standard TI01252G

40m/131ft Standard TI01253G

– + – – – – – – –

– + – – – + – – –

•Stilling well • DC <1.9

NMR84 Proservo NMS8x

•Free space • DC <1.4

NMR81 Proservo NMS8x Proservo NMS8x

• Existing stilling wells with non ideal measuring conditions

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