Product highlights 2023
Highlights 2023
Optimization services for calibration processes – reduce costs, increase safety and quality Calibration optimization
Criticality/MPE evaluation Criticality and the maximum permissible error (MPE) form the foundation for high quality and cost-effective calibration. The offering enables users to lay the necessary foundations for realizing initial potential for improvements, such as reducing “out of toler ance” calibrations. Furthermore, using ISO 31010-compli ant documented methods, project managers will be in a position to justify decisions to auditors. In addition, it is possible to take up further optimization services, such as optimization of calibration intervals. Advantages • Ideal cost/risk balance thanks to correctly determined criticality and MPE • Risk minimization by avoiding non-conformities • Reduction of “out of tolerance” calibrations as a conse quence of unrealistically low MPE Calibration interval optimization Endress+Hauser helps users to determine the correct time frame in which cali bration should be carried out. Plant operators no longer
Endress+Hauser supports maintenance and service person nel in carrying out calibration with optimized calibration methods (e.g. time-saving inline concepts), in defining risk-based calibration intervals or discovering potential for calibration process optimization. As a result, efficient calibration concepts increase plant availability at the same time as ensuring compliance and audit security. Individual requirements are also taken into consideration. Measuring performance analysis: Have confidence in your calibration results Thanks to the measuring perfor mance analysis carried out by one of our calibration con sultants, users receive a transparent management overview of all calibration activities. The service includes a detailed analysis of the metrological status of the installed base for all instruments in the analysis. Advantages • The calibration consultant converts calibration data into a transparent management overview • Audit trail documentation to meet quality assurance standards • Knowledge transfer of metrology and calibration expertise into the company At a glance • Services for compliance with the requirements of internal and external regulations and audit-proof documentation to meet quality assurance standards • Continuous identification of potential for improve ment (CIP) • Increased process efficiency by regular measure ment of all maintenance and calibration activities performed using KPIs • Improvement of the cost/risk ratio thanks to optimization of calibration intervals
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